Public vs. Private Cloud Q&A (Part Two)


Public vs. Private Cloud Q&A (Part Two)

As shared in an earlier blog, businesses review the types of cloud offerings available. This is the second installment of a two part blog series where we will finish providing common questions and answers to about the similarities and difference between the public and private clouds.


Public vs. Private Cloud Q&A (Part One)


Public vs. Private Cloud Q&A (Part One)

As businesses review the types of cloud offerings available, there are common questions that arise about the similarities and differences between the public and private clouds. In this two-part blog series, we will provide common questions and answers to these questions.


How Safe Is VoIP Anyway?


How Safe Is VoIP Anyway?

In this day of hackers and cybercrime, business owners and executives alike may question what the safest platform is to use for their business communications. By the very design of VoIP and the utilization of the public internet to transmit voice packets, one must understand potential risks and weigh those against the many advantages offered. Rest assured, VoIP is a very safe option as long as proper precautions are implemented from the start to mitigate potential security risks.



10 Essential Business Skills for IT Pros

Change is constant and a tangible reality in today’s world. As technology and the very nature of business operations evolve, the skills that current employees and candidates looking for positions need to follow suit, especially in the IT department.


Jim Brooker – A Telecom Veteran and Trusted Advisor


Jim Brooker – A Telecom Veteran and Trusted Advisor

As part of our ongoing series highlighting members of the Comtel and Simplicity VoIP team, we sat down with Jim Brooker this month. He has been affiliated with Comtel since it’s founding and actively working with Comtel Communications for the past 12 years. Jim is a important representative of our companies and for this blog post, we wanted to shine the spotlight on him and hear his perspectives about this ever-evolving industry first hand.


 Communicate Your Holiday Hours - Summer


Communicate Your Holiday Hours - Summer

Summer is finally here which means vacation and long weekends. Don't forget to get yourself and your business ready to clearly communicate office hours. Communicating availability can save many frustrations. Is your business ready?


 Hosted VoIP & UCaaS


Hosted VoIP & UCaaS

What is Hosted VoIP & UCaaS?

This category goes by many names. The most popular seem to be Hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and now UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service).



Hosted Exchange

Hosted Exchange is a cloud solution in which the service provider manages the client’s email services, which are stored in the provider’s data center(s). This includes maintaining both the hardware (servers), software (licenses) and more. Email services are delivered back to the client along with other optional services such as anti-spam/anti-virus, archiving, and upgrades.


Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report


Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

The cybersecurity answers you want, straight from the experts.

For more than a decade, Verizon has gathered and analyzed threat data from around the world so that information security practitioners can understand the dangers they face.
